Clisol Agro

Clisol Agro
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Clisol Agro, is located in the town of El Ejido (Almería). It provides visitors with a global vision of the past and present of the Almeria countryside and the importance of intensive agriculture under plastic for the economy of the province, taking a look at the different cultivation techniques used including the most recent developments.

Along the route, three different types of structures can be visited, all in the same estate:

- Traditional vineyard or “Parral” type.

- The most modern called “multi-tunnel or multi-hood”, which is a greenhouse structure with computer-controlled nutrition, irrigation and climate.

- And a third smaller extension acting as a nursery, where a demonstration of the process for growing seedlings is given, using the latest incorporated techniques such as pricking out and combing (thymus morphogenesis).

The visit is complemented with personal experiences and anecdotes from people in the Almeria countryside to make the tour much more enjoyable and entertaining.

At the end of the tour, there is a vegetable tasting with extra virgin olive oil, bread and honey, giving visitors the chance to enjoy in situ the taste, colour, aroma and texture of the different varieties of products that are grown in the province.

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Gastronomic Activities
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Clisol Agro
Paraje La Cumbre, Direc. Pos: C/ Princesa Sofía, 87 04712 Balerma (Almería), s/n, 04715
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Target audiences

Couples, For families, Friends, young people, Lgbti, I travel alone, Seniors


Gastronomy, Culture


Frutas y Hortalizas