Museo Casa - Hermandad de San Gil

Museo Casa - Hermandad de San Gil
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Located in Plaza de San Gil, in the historic quarter of Ecija, the Hermandad de San Gil House-Museum developed following construction of the Hermandad Sacramental y Real Archicofradía de Nazarenos de la Coronación de Espinas de Nuestro Señor Jesuscristo, San Marcos, San Roque, Santísimo Cristo de la Salud, Nuestra Madre y Señora de los Dolores, Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y San Juan de Dios Brotherhood.

The building is home to both the activities of the Brotherhood and a permanent exhibition on the Brotherhood's processions and its belongings.

The Brotherhood takes its name from three anonymous sculptures - the Lord of the Coronation (17th century), the Holy Christ of Health (16th century) and Our Lady of Sorrow - however, some believe that the image of Our Lady of Sorrow, an image of a pieta in the Seville style, dating from the 17th or early-18th century, is the work of José Montes de Oca.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Friday, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Entry: 1,50€.

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Museo Casa - Hermandad de San Gil
Calle San Marcos, Plaza de San Gil, 3, 41400
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  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Historic building




Art (Museum), Other type of museum (Museum), Sacred (Museum), Art centre or Cultural centre (Other Visits), Reception and Interpretation Center (Other Visits)

Open to visitors
