Cumbres Mayores

Cumbres Mayores
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Village situated in the north of the province, on the border of the province of Badajoz, within the Sierra de Aracena y los Picos de Aroche Natural Park, one of the most important protected spaces of the Community, which occupies the whole of the north of the province with its meadows and small rises in the ground, covered predominantly in holm oak woods, cork oaks, chestnut trees and scrub through which numerous streams flow forming an extraordinarily beautiful and attractive landscape which is ideal for livestock, especially pigs which find the conditions here ideal.

The village itself, clustered together and peaceful possesses all the characteristics of the mountain villages and has some architecturally interesting buildings such as the Castle from the XIII century (Property of Cultural Interest); Saint Michael the Archangel's Church (Property of Cultural Interest) and the Chapel of the Virgen del Amparo.


Founded in Celtish times, with the name of Nertobriga. Later it was a Roman colony, and its name was added to: Concordia Julia Nertóbriga. It was conceded the juridical statute as a Roman municipality in the times of Caesar and its inhabitants were appointed to the "Galeria" tribe.

It was abandoned in the V century AD with the fall of the Roman Empire.

It was known as Cumbres Altas (High Peaks).

The construction of its castle was begun in 1293 by concession of King Sancho IV the Brave and was finished in the XIV century.

Eminent citizens
Juan Gómez Márquez, captain of the Army in Oaxaca (Mexico).
Diego García Bravo, consul to the University of Merchants in New Spain (Mexico).
Hernán Gómez Galán, expeditionary and conqueror of Chile with Diego de Almagro.
José Pablo Julián Valiente Bravo, Member of the Cadiz Cortes of 1812.

Cumbres Mayores
Cumbres Mayores
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Cumbres Mayores
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