Chiclana de Segura
This small village is situated to the north of the province, east of the Sierra Morena Mountains and near the Sierras de Segura, from where its surname comes.
Its landscape is made up of olive groves, farm land and rugged, uncultivated areas
After the Christian conquest, the village belonged successively to the Kingdom of Toledo, the Order of Santiago, the Chancery of Granada, the bishopric of Cartagena and to the Government of Segura de la Sierra, and also was the head and capital of the Encomienda of Montizón-Chiclana.The village appears mentioned in the topographical listing of the Villages of Spain, ordered by King Felipe II, as one of the oldest villages in the kingdom.
During the War of Independence, the village was burnt down and most of its inhabitants were put to the sword.
The Carlist troops devastated the AREA gave rise to the old Spas of La Higuerilla and El Pipe.