Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares del Alto Guadalquivir

Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares del Alto Guadalquivir
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The Upper Guadalquivir Museum of Arts and Popular Customs is located in the Castle of La Yedra, in Cazorla, Jaén. It has two different sections; one on history and the other on arts and popular customs.

In the first hall in the museum, a chapel has been installed with a life-size Romanesque-Byzantine figure of Christ on a cross made of cypress wood. It is surrounded by a complete collection of twelve 17th-century anonymous paintings representing the Apostles and a Baroque statue of the Bishop San Ambrosio.

The second hall (hall of arms) of the Upper Guadalquivir Museum of Arts and Popular Customs is decorated with panoplies in the form of a shield with a number of different weapons: swords, crossbows, axes, cutlasses, etc. There are also two sculpted suits of armour and chests, as well as furnishings from the 16th and 17th centuries.

The third hall (grand hall) is the most outstanding from an architectural point of view with a Gothic cross vault and mullioned, pointed-arch windows which are also Gothic. Here there are three 17th-century Flemish tapestries by Ian Raes and four 18th-century cabinets with matching tables.

Free for EU citizens. Another countries: 1,50 €

From September 16 to 31 May: Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am. to 8.30 pm. Sunday and bank holidays, from 10 am. to 5 pm. From June 1 to September 15: Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 am. to 3:30 pm. Sunday and bank holidays, from 10 am. to 5 pm.

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Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares del Alto Guadalquivir
Camino Explanada del Castillo, Castillo de la Yedra, s/n, 23470

Services and infrastructure

  • Historic building




Art centre or Cultural centre (Other Visits), Castle (Monuments), Other type of museum (Museum)

Open to visitors


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