Refugio Puente de las Herrerías

Refugio Puente de las Herrerías
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Situated deep in the Herat of the Natural Park of the Cazorla, Segura y las Villas mountain ranges, 1000 meters above sea level,11km from the source of & on the highest point of the shore of the Guadalquivir river lies.

The Complex is open from: -Semana Santa (Easter) to 1st November Holyday weekend celebrating day of all Saints.

The hotel offers single double and or triple rooms all rooms, possessing stunning views are fully equipped heated with full bathroom/toilet facilities.

Boarding House
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Refugio Puente de las Herrerías
Carretera Nacimiento del Guadalquivir, km. 2, 23470
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Bar
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming Pool

Target audiences

For families, Friends, young people, Couples, Lgbti

Registry number


No. of rooms




Hosting mode


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