Olivarera San Isidro

Olivarera San Isidro
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Olivarera San Isidro is in the Cordoba town of Castro del Río, its current facilities cover an area of approx. 38,000 square metres and have a reception system that includes automatic cleaning and washing machines and weighers with a capacity for cleaning 180,000 kilos an hour, with a system for separating ground and tree olives.

The main activity of Olivarera San Isidro is olive oil production and packaging, with an average grinding of 16,000,000 kilos of olives, which produce approx. 3,200,000 kilos of oil, which are sold directly and under the quality control of the Baena Oils D.O. Regulatory Council, of which it forms part.

Gourmet shops
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Olivarera San Isidro
Calle Los Molinos, 17, 14840

Services and infrastructure

  • Parking

Target audiences

For families, Seniors, Lgbti, young people, Friends, Couples, I travel alone





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