On the banks of the river Guardal lies Castillejar, in a land rich in archaeological remains of Prehistoric times and Iberian culture, such as: the Iberian necropolis of Castro de la Balunca, from the 6th and 7th centuries BC, and the interesting remains of the Prehistoric habitat found in the caves of the Guardal.
These lands have witnessed the fights for survival of Prehistoric civilizations. From these period, interesting remains have been found in the caves and terraces nearby the river Guardal. In Castro de la Balunca there are remains of settlements and graveyards of bastetanas (Pre-Roman) tribes.It was conquered by the Catholic Monarchs in 1488 and inhabited by people from the Basque Country, Navarra and Aragón. It belonged to the Casa de Alba.
As with all the villages in this AREA.
Its Parish Church was built in 1657 above the remains of an Arab mosque.