San Bartolomé Hermitage

San Bartolomé Hermitage
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A 16th century Mudejar hermitage linked from its origin to the Franciscan sphere and the Vera Cruz brotherhood, now disappeared. 

It was located outside the village walls, although it later became one of the most central squares. 

It has a basilical floor plan with three naves separated by brick columns and pointed arches with a wooden roof. 

Inside, the chapel of Jesús Nazareno stands out, decorated with paintings on its vault depicting angels with attributes of the Passion and feigned architecture from the mid-18th century. Its altarpieces and images were destroyed in 1936, saving the image of the Nazarene, from the 17th century, and the Virgin of Consolation accompanied by Saint John the Evangelist, which are works from the mid-18th century, as well as the image of Saint Bartholomew from the 17th century, which is found on the main altar next to an image of the Assumption of the Virgin from the end of the 19th century. 

This is where the now defunct Brotherhood of the Vera Cruz and the Rosary of the Aurora were established. 

It was also the founding headquarters of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Assumption in 1805. The brotherhoods of El Consuelo and Nuestro Padre Jesús make their processional processions on Holy Thursday and at dawn, which conserves an important tortoiseshell and silver cross dating from 1711.

From monday to saturday from 9 am. to 1 pm.

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San Bartolomé Hermitage
Calle San Bartolomé, s/n, 41320
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  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Historic building

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For families, young people, Professional, Couples, Lgbti, Seniors, I travel alone, Friends


Turismo Etnográfico, Culture, Religious Tourism




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