Playa de la Caleta

Playa de la Caleta
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Located just a few metres away from Santa Catalina Castle, in one of the most emblematic places in Cadiz, the Caleta Beach Caleta Beach Information Point provides a year-round tourist information service, complementing the services of the city's other Offices and Information Points.

1 to 15 June and 16 to 30 September: every day from 12 noon to 7 pm. 16 to 30 June and 1 to 15 September: every day from 11 am to 7 pm. July 1-23: every day from 11 am to 8 pm. 24 July to 31 August: every day from 11 am to 9 pm.

Tourist Information
Information Point
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Playa de la Caleta
Paseo Antonio Burgos, s/n, 11002
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Services and infrastructure

Target audiences

Lgbti, Seniors, For families, Couples, I travel alone, young people, Friends


Sports, Leisure and fun, Sun anda beach, Gastronomy