Cádiz Tourism Board

Cádiz Tourism Board
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The aim of the Tourism Provincial Board of Cádiz is to promote and develop tourism in the province of Cádiz. In order to do so, the following actions will be carried out:

  • To participate in the national and international market as efficiently as possible so as to induce the demand in our province.
  • To set the necessary commercialization systems to have all our tourist accommodation offer covered.
  • To organize acts to attract tourism.
  • To carry out actions and steps before any necessary instances in order to improve the tourist image of the province.
  • To produce all sort of informative material, in any format, so as to spread the provincial resources, goods and tourist services.
  • To promote the study and development of the peculiarities of the province in the tourist field furthering its basic factors.
  • To encourage the coordination of any public or private institution, whether Spanish or foreign, that work in the tourist field.
  • Other steps and measures regarding the development of provincial tourism that are not included in the sections above.
Tourist Information
Provincial Tourism Board
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Cádiz Tourism Board
Plaza de Madrid, Estadio Ramón de Carranza - Fondo Sur - 4ª planta, s/n, 11011
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Target audiences

For families, Couples, Lgbti, Friends, I travel alone, deal, Professional, young people, Seniors


Health and Beauty, Sports, Leisure and fun, Nature, Culture, Gastronomy, Meetings and Congresses, Sun anda beach

Registry number