Kotinoussa Park

Kotinoussa Park
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 Kotinoussa Park in Cadiz is a large public landscaped area that has been turned into an archaeological park, where there is a historical tour of the funerary art of the first civilizations that lived in Cadiz.
It is located in the old town's expansion area, outside the walls of the Puertas de Tierra gates. It opened in 2003 and is named after the largest of the so-called Phoenician Gadeira islands: Erytheia, Kotinoussa and Antipolis (León Island).
It lies on the site of the former Military Barracks of Varela and covers 9,985 m², including the old Phoenician, Punic and Roman necropolises. 
As it is an area steeped in history, the park has an additional appeal – a cultural and educational exhibition featuring various archaeological pieces that were discovered during the excavation.
Inside you can find funeral stelae with the name of the deceased, various burial and cremation graves located around the park and spanning from the 5th century BC to 2 AD, which helps us to know more about the evolution of funeral practices and customs of the ancient civilisations that lived here at the time. There is also a reproduction of the Lady of Cadiz (a female anthropomorphic sarcophagus dating from 480 BC) from the Phoenician period, discovered in Cadiz.
The tour can be carried out as an educational circuit, as there are information panels right next to each item. 
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Kotinoussa Park
Av. Andalucía, s/n, 11008

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