Malibu Beach Bar

Malibu Beach Bar
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Malibu Beach Bar is located in Benalmádena-Costa and it offers a wonderful terrace with beds and sofas by the beach where you can enjoy a cocktail or a cool beer and eat a salad, burger, club sandwich or a simple snack. It also televises all Spanish and international league games in the indoor bar for clients looking to enjoy sports by the sea. Our prices are reasonable too.

The kitchen is open non-stop, so you can eat at any time of day or night.

From Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am. to 11:00 pm. Closed Monday.

Places of leisure
Beach clubs
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Malibu Beach Bar
Carretera de Cadiz, Edificio Malibu, km 218
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Bar
  • Terrace

Target audiences

young people, Friends, Couples

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