Enclave Arqueológico de Arucci Turobriga

Enclave Arqueológico de Arucci Turobriga
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The Roman city of Arucci Turobriga was founded in the time of Augustus (15-10 BC) and represents the culmination of a process of occupation and control of the Celtic Beturia. This control was based on an intense agricultural colonisation that began in the 2nd century BC and culminated in the founding of the city of Arucci Turobriga in the 1st century BC, with the contribution (contributio) of people from at least two pre-Roman cities: Arucci, which is possibly under the current Aroche, and Turobriga, in some of the forts abandoned after the foundation of the Roman city. Latin settlers also joined the city, and we can discover more about them thanks to the preserved Roman epigraphic collection.

The city was greatly developed in the Flavian period and expanded in Hadrian's time in the mid-2nd century AD. In the Severan period, 3rd century, the city was gradually abandoned and quarried for materials to be used for several buildings in Aroche. Despite the plundering, the city's layout remains intact. The forum, the market, the thermal baths, the house of the column, the house of the peristyle, the north house, the campus and part of the north necropolis and the walls have already been excavated. It is worth highlighting the celebration of the Diana Festival, which lasts a few days and involves a Roman historical re-enactment.

Entry 2 €

From October 1 to May 14: From Tuesday to Thursday from 8 am. to 3 pm. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday 11 am. to 5 pm. From May 15 to 30 Septiember: From Tuesday to Friday from 8 am. to 3 pm. Saturday, Sunday and holiday 10:30 am. to 3 pm.

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Enclave Arqueológico de Arucci Turobriga
Llanos de la Belleza, Enclave Arqueológico de Arucci Turóbriga y monumental de San Mamés, 21240
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