Casa de los Colarte - Museo de Arte de la Diputación

Casa de los Colarte - Museo de Arte de la Diputación
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This was built at the beginning of the 18th century.

The exterior is in the style of the "grid-façade" houses which are so typical of the city. The first section is built of red limestone from El Torcal; the second section provides a sharp contrast, not only due to the material used (brick and mortar), but also because of the profusion of relief elements and its appearance of solidity or heaviness.

The staircase is the most interesting piece in the building's interior.

Currently, it lies in its facilities the Provincial Art Museum.

Visitors will be requested to leave the exhibition rooms 15 minutes before the museum closes.

Winter: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 2pm and 6pm to 8.30pm Summer: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 2pm and 7pm to 9.30pm Closed on Monday all year.

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Casa de los Colarte - Museo de Arte de la Diputación
Calle Maderuelos, 16, 29200
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  • Historic building

Target audiences

Lgbti, Friends, Seniors, For families, young people, I travel alone, Couples




Art, Other type of museum

Open to visitors


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