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Andalusia in Film

Tour privado al Real Alcázar de Sevilla

Andalusia has been the setting for countless film and TV productions. Its immense cultural, architectural and natural wealth make this province the perfect setting to tell amazing stories. Would you recognise Andalusia in any of your favourite films or series? We have chosen five of the most important productions that have been filmed in Andalusia.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

One of the most memorable scenes in the third film of the saga starring Harrison Ford was shot on a beautiful beach in Almería. The scene we're talking about shows Professor Henry Jones (Sean Connery) shooing away a flock of seagulls to make a plane crash, as his son watches him, astonished. The setting is the iconic Mónsul beach, of volcanic origin and with a massive rock on the shore.

This beautiful beach has been used as a setting for many other films. For example, The Neverending Story (Wolfgang Petersen, 1984), The Adventures of Baron Münchausen (Terry Gilliam, 1988) and Talk to Her (Pedro Almodóvar, 2002).

But Mónsul isn't the only Andalusian location in The Last Crusade. The final battle against the tanks was shot in Tabernas Desert (recently seen also on Game of Thrones). Another scene starring Donovan (the baddie), a sultan and a Rolls-Royce was shot in the Cloister of the School of Art of Almería. It is said that Steven Spielberg wanted to shoot those scenes in the Court of the Lions in the Alhambra, but it wasn't possible. Not because of a lack of budget, but because it was impossible to put the Rolls-Royce in that location.

Playa de Mónsul

Star Wars. Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)

Much of the second trilogy of Star Wars it was shot on a green screen, and then the characters and settings were integrated in the post-production stage. However, George Lucas fell in love with the Plaza de España square in Seville and took all his team there to shoot the scene in which Padmé (Natalie Portman) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) arrive on Naboo.

Cultura Plaza de españa.jpg

Marshland (2014)

The film, directed by Alberto Rodríguez, which won 10 Goya Awards, was shot in numerous locations of the province of Seville. La Puebla del Río, Carmona, Coria del Río (the jetty) and the rice fields of Isla Mayor are just a few examples.

Isla Mayor

Warrior Nun (2020-2022)

This Netflix series, produced in the United States and starring Tristán Ulloa and Alba Baptista, filmed its first season in various parts of Andalusia. From the streets of Marbella (Malaga), to the Real Alcázar Palace of Seville, Almodóvar del Rio Castle (Cordoba), Ronda and Antequera.


Game of Thrones (2011-2019)

When talking about film locations and Andalusia, a specific series comes to mind: Game of Thrones. Thanks to this legendary TV series, the world was able to discover the amazing places you can find in Spain and, especially, in Andalusia.

The Real Alcázar of Seville, the Castle of Almodóvar del Río, the Roman ruins of Itálica, Tabernas Desert, Almería fortress, etc. These are just some of the Andalusian locations where the team of the HBO series travelled in order to bring to the life the fantastic world of Game of Thrones.

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Andalusia in Film