Puerto del Saladillo

Puerto del Saladillo
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Algeciras, one of the most important port cities in Spain, as well as in Europe, hosts, integrated between its huge commercial port and fishing port, the other Saladillo marina with 800 berths.

Visiting the city is experiencing a town full of life. And visiting the harbour capturing its importance.

Coordinates: Latitude: 36º 07' 48.43'' NLongitude: 5º 26' 18.00'' W

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Puerto del Saladillo
Dársena del Saladillo, s/n, 11207
Contact information
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped
  • Bar
  • Captaincy
  • Dry Marina
  • Electricity
  • Gas station
  • Parking
  • Private lounges
  • Ramps
  • Restaurant
  • School
  • Toilets
  • Yacht club

Target audiences

I travel alone, For families, young people, deal, Couples, Friends, Seniors, Lgbti



Type of activity

Fishing, Sailing


Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer

Input width

150 m.

Port mouth

7 m.


1,5 - 4,5 m.



Private club


Spring length

6-15 m

radio channels

VHF CH9 - 16

Fund type

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