Iglesia de Consolación

Iglesia de Consolación
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It is also known by its Saint's name. María la Mayor (or Mary the Great), as it was the new headquarters of the abbey church of the La Mota Fortress, becoming the city's main temple, following its desecration and destruction.

The third friars of the Franciscan order lived there in the early sixteenth century, but the church building process was long and full of changes and lasted until the late eighteenth century.

This temple houses the Virgen de las Mercedes (Our Lady of Mercy), the patron saint of the city.

From October to March: Monday to Sunday from 9 am. to 2 pm. and from 6 to 8:30 pm. From April to September: Monday to Sunday from 9 am. to 2 pm. and from 7 to 9:30 pm. On Monday afternoon closed.


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Iglesia de Consolación
Glorieta de Consolación, s/n, 23680
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Friends, For families, Seniors, Lgbti, young people, Couples, I travel alone





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