Ermita de San Bartolomé

Ermita de San Bartolomé
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The Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche is one of the most important tourist ares of inland Andalusia. Its white villages and luxuriant forests, together with a cuisine that is simply delicious has earned it the well-deserved reputation of a first-class tourist attraction.

As part of the Starlight Reserve of the Sierra Morena and following surveys carried out, we now know that it has some of the darkest skies in Europe. The observation point recommended here is in the municipality of Alájar (Huelva), at the shrine of San Bartolomé. You reach it from the town by going towards Santa Ana la Real and taking the first turn-off to the left, and continue for about 7 kilometres to the signposted spot.

Close to the shrine you will find a small crossroads with a small esplanade with a fantastic view of the heavens. It is especially recommended for observing the constellations and objects in the south.

Astronomical Viewing Points
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Ermita de San Bartolomé
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deal, For families, Lgbti, Couples, Professional, Seniors, Friends, young people, I travel alone




Astronomical lookout points

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