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African experience on camelback in Doñana

Playa y Sol Experiencia por Matalascaña en lomos de un dromedario.JPG

Camel ride through the Matalascañas dune park, plus a lovely footpath through nature where you can discover the secrets of the fauna and flora that are on the road.

If we were to invite you to an experience that combines camels, landscapes with dunes, sun and sea, perhaps you would think of countries like Tunisia, Morocco or Egypt, right? But no, the experience that we propose is much closer, close to home, specifically the Matalascañas Dune Park next to the Doñana Nature Reserve.

This is because these animals camped out along the breadth of Doñana hundreds of years ago. We were told that it was not strange to us see them in herds alongside the other species that are seen throughout the park today, but since that was a long, long time ago, the company Aires Africanos offers to take you on a short ride on a camel, taking visitors back to when camels lived in the forests of Doñana. You also have the chance to discover the nature in the Matalascañas dune park through its aromas and flavours.

As you reach its facilities, right at the entrance to Matalascañas, you will be received with a splendid Moorish tea to get warmed up.

And some very, very sweet dates! That's a nice way to start, isn't it?

After stimulating your taste buds a bit, you are invited to explore on foot by taking a nature walk through the surroundings that you will later see from the backs of our camel friends.

Beautiful stone pine gallery forest

And smells and textures from a multitude of aromatic plants, the properties of which we will learn about with a wealth of details from our guide's explanations.

Now it's time for the camels!

The stroll through nature wasn't a bad idea to get warmed up and start the trip, right? Well, pay attention now, the main course is still waiting for you, the camel ride!

One by one we will climb up on the cushioned chairs on the hump of our new travelling companions and along with the swaying rhythm of their steps, we will enjoy the landscape of the dune park until reaching the beautiful Atlantic.

These large friends are very docile, can carry up to 500 kilograms of weight, and can drink the trifling amount of 130 litres in less than 13 minutes! These facts and other curiosities about these animals will be explained to you during the trip.

It is definitely an original and fun way to explore the Doñana Nature ReserveIt is an activity for children and adults alike, where you can breathe the sea breeze of the Atlantic and enjoy the fauna and flora of an absolutely exceptional environment.

African experience on camelback in Doñana
Almonte, Matalascañas (Huelva)