Centro de Interpretación de la Pesca

Centro de Interpretación de la Pesca
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Located in the town of Adra, the Tourist Office shares facilities with the Fishing Interpretation Centre, and next to the spectacular and impressive coastal Torre de los Perdigones.

The office provides tourist information about the town and region in addition to information regarding visits to the interseting heritage site of Abdera.

From monday to saturday from 9 am. to 2 pm.

Tourist Information
Tourist Office
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Centro de Interpretación de la Pesca
Carrera de Natalio Rivas, 125, 04770
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Services and infrastructure

  • Accessible for handicapped

Target audiences

Seniors, Friends, Couples, For families, young people, I travel alone, Lgbti


Culture, Gastronomy, Sun anda beach, Leisure and fun

Registry number


Quality brands

“Q” for Tourism Quality, Declaration of responsibility for anti-Covid measures