Ruita de los Castillos y las Batallas el Reino de Ja´én

Ruita de los Castillos y las Batallas el Reino de Ja´én
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Proposal tourist and cultural that runs from north to south through the western part of the province of Jaén and brings together superb castles located in strategic places of extraordinary beauty. 

It also shows the traces of two of the battles most significant in the history of Spain: Bailén (1808) and Navas de Tolosa (1212).Castles and Battles of the Kingdom of Jaen allow you to enjoy days of hiking or bicycle tours along the Vía Verde del Aceite; get to know and taste extra virgin olive oil in the most productive territory in the world, visit livestock farms with fighting bulls and purebred horses, pastures of transhumant shepherds, take routes on horseback, donkey or in 4×4 through its Natural Parks. 

Photographic hunting, bird watching or Iberian lynx watching can complete a magnificent day in the mountain areas. Getting to know the mining heritage inherited from centuries of exploitation in the Linares-La Carolina district, the new towns of Carlos III or enjoying the gastronomy and tapas culture so deeply rooted in this land, are some mor examples of what this area offers your destination.
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