Ruta del Califato en bici

Ruta del Califato en bici
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Traveling on the route of the Caliphate is an experience that brings together two of the most emblematic cities of ancient al-Andalus: Cordova, home to the ruling Caliphs, philosophers, astronomers, mathematicians and doctors who illuminated the Middle Ages with knowledge, centuries ahead of the European Renaissance. And on the other and Granada, whose mighty kingdom cultivated the sciences above all and where formal refinement and architectural decoration reached levels unmatched in any society of its time. Travel to see these two cities, on a journey that combines culture, nature and anthropology, delighting the senses at every step.


“The Route of the Caliphate” is designated Major European Cultural Itinerary. The prestigious Foundation Legado Andalusí in co-operation with Otros Caminos has re-discovered this itinerary and developed it as a historical and cultural experience, connecting the cities of Cordova and Granada with their world cultural heritages: the stunning “Mezquita” in Cordova and the marvelous “Alhambra” in Granada.


A cycling adventure through Andalusia’s past and culture, a journey of discovery that evokes the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Route of the Caliphate.

The ride leads through wide variety of terrains, passing through a host of villages.

Betake a journey through time and across unique landscapes and natural reserves that feature along the way. Ride through landscapes with tranquil hills of olive groves, holm-oak woods, vegetable gardens and vineyards, rushing streams, imposing watchtowers, proud castles, impeccable farmhouses and humble farmsteads, all giving the backdrop to an unforgettable visit. Enjoy the villages, castles, churches and towns that stretch before you just waiting to be discovered, such as Baena, Luque, Priego, Zuheros, Alcaudete, Castillo de Locubín, Alcalá la Real, Tózar, Moclín, that now give their name to some of the world's finest olive oils. You will find them the perfect place to relax and recover lost energy with the best food and wines this region has to offer.

Although each season holds its own charm, we advise you to plan this tour in spring (March to June) to take advantage of the explosion of color in the surrounding countryside, the splendor of the Subbéticas, the smell of the olive mills and the views of the last snowfalls on the Sierra Nevada that will accompany you on the last two stages!

Price per person (minimum 2 persons) and includes: * 6 nights accommodation in double room with breakfast (Córdoba, Priego, Zuheros, Alcalá, Tózar y Granada) * luggage transfers * Documentation (descriptions, maps, information) * Tracks GPS * Telephone support Optional: Bike rental, with delivery at the start point (Luque) and collection in last hotel in Granada. The bike is a comfortable mountain bike with 24 gears, disc breaks and front suspension. It comes with a kilometer counter, mapholder, and pannier rack. Water proof pannier. Repair kit and extra innertire. Supplement for electric mountain bike.
Preis ab
495.0 €
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Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CET 2020 - Fri Dec 31 23:59:59 CET 2021

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Ruta del Califato en bici
Calle Sócrates, 4, 18002
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Paare, Lgbti, Junge, Freunde, Seniorengerecht


Radtourismus, Natur, Sport, Kultur


Resintoniza Andalucía


Frühling, Sommer, Herbst

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