Castillo Árabe

Castillo Árabe
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There are very few remains of the castle, in particular some towers, and a few sections of wall. The castle of Qasr Bunayra, possibly of Roman origen was an important centre in the uprising of Umar ibn Hafsum becoming, in 922. The operational base against Bobastro. A Nazari era, it became an important bastion in the frontier war. The castilions arrived permanently 2 June 1485 used as a military force untill 18th Century.

In a superb position facing the Guadalhorce Valley, the Hoya de Málaga and with the peaks of Sierra Prieta, Cruz Alta, Comparate y Alcaparaín situated behind. It has been prepared as a Tourist Viewing Point.

Within the castle is an information point, a scale model and various themed panels about life in Al-Andalus.

Saturday, Sunday and festive days from 10:00 am. to 6:00 pm.

Free admission

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Castillo Árabe
Calle Castillo, 29566
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